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HOW TO REGISTERSigning up for our test is nice and easy! Registration for the 8th Grade Entrance Exam will open on November 11, 2024. To register for the Entrance Exam on Saturday, December 7, 2024, please go to (*The link will not be live until November 11, 2024). You are able to sign up for either the 8 or 9 AM testing session and lock in your son's spot for the ND Entrance Exam.There is a $25 testing fee that must be submitted to finalize your registration.ENTRANCE EXAM SESSIONS (Standard and Extended Time)There are two sessions offered for the Entrance Exam on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The first session is at 8:00 am and the other is at 9:00 am.For those students requesting extended time, the test will be administered at 8:00 am ONLY. If your student has a 504 plan or IEP, please email his documentation by November 22, 2024 to Amy Rehder ([email protected]) to get on her list for the test. She will send a confirmation and additional details for the extended time testing session closer to December 7.TEST OVERVIEWThe High School Placement Test (HSPT) is administered by STS. This is a timed test with five different sections - Verbal, Quantitative, Reading, Mathematics, and Language. Each test is administered based on the time allotted and there are built in breaks throughout the testing session.
How many students will be in each classroom for the test?To provide a comfortable testing experience for all, classrooms will have 20 students maximum for the test session.
How long is the test?The test will take approximately 3 hours, but we recommend factoring in 3.5 hours for test time. There is some initial information each student will need to fill out on their test form. The test is divided into the following sections:Verbal Skills (16 minutes)Quantitative Skills (30 minutes)Reading Comprehension (25 minutes)Mathematics (45 minutes)Language Skills (25 minutes)The extra time testing session consists of time and a half so it will be longer in duration.NOTE: Students must have their phone turned off during the test, but we will allow them to turn it on during the break prior to the last session to inform you they have roughly 30 minutes left.Will there be breaks?Yes, there are two breaks during the test session (after the Quantitative and Math sections).Will walk-ups be allowed on the morning of the test?All students must pre-register for the test. This will allow us to plan appropriately and send specific details for each student testing at Notre Dame prior to December 3rd.Registration will open November 11. There is a $25 testing fee that must be submitted to finalize your registration.What does my son need to bring to the test?He should bring two #2 pencils and a water bottle. No calculators are allowed and scratch paper will be provided for the Math section.When will the application be available after the test?The online application will be live at 12 PM on the day of the test. Instructions for the application as well as due date reminders will be distributed to each student when they complete the Exam. They will leave Notre Dame with a folder packet of instructions on next steps to pursue admission to the Class of 2028.How does ND recommend a student prepare for the test?We always recommend the boys get a great night's sleep the night before, eat a good meal the morning of the test, and come in as relaxed as possible. This helps us determine the best academic fit for each individual student. We know this is a high pressure test and we look at more than just the one exam (See next question below)STS offers the following tips to best prepare for a positive testing experience:1. Listen to and read the directions for each subtest carefully.2. Pace yourself – Time limits are set for each subtest. The test administrators should announce when time is halfway through so you can determine if you are working at a pace that will enable you to finish. Try not to spend too much time on one item.3. Read each question carefully.4. Work out the problem – Calculators are NOT permitted for the Mathematics subtest. You may use scratch paper or your test booklet to do any figuring.5. Answer every question – If you are unsure of an answer, take your best guess. Your score is determined by the number of items you answer correctly. There is no penalty for answering incorrectly.6. Check your work – If there is time left, go back and review your answers. Check to make sure each item has only one response. Throughout the test, continuously check that the answer you are marking on your answer sheet corresponds to the item number in the test booklet.What else does ND look at when considering admissions?We evaluate 7th and 8th grade report cards, standardized test scores, and there is an online application component that must be filled out. Students will leave Notre Dame College Prep on December 2 after the Entrance Exam with a packet of information about how to submit these materials for the online application.